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New Youth Crew Coordinator Joins The SAWS Crew

We are very excited to announce the addition of our Youth Crew Coordinator for the 2013 Crew Season. Brenna Irrer joins the program as an Americorps Intern and will be helping with the planning and deployment of several of our youth and young adult wilderness trail crews.

Brenna hails from Ann Arbor, Michigan and is a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University. Brenna has spent time on a conservation corps crew herself and will bring that experience to the successful execution of our summer and fall programs. Brenna's role will have her interacting with the returning Yonkers BOOT Crew, our new Wilderness Conservation Corps and Cheoah Ranger District focused youth crew in Graham County, North Carolina.

Brenna will be based at the new SAWS Headquarters in Coker Creek, Tennessee and on the Cheoah Ranger District.

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