"SAWS sets standards that inspire, connect, and equip people to steward wild landscapes"
SAWS provides much needed land stewardship to some of the wildest and most remote places across the southeast. SAWS provides boots on the ground stewardship to clear your backcountry trails and recreation sites, train the next generation in traditional tool use and maintenance, aid in disaster clean up, and provide support to both land managers and the recreating public. We depend on our donors to help fund critical wilderness stewardship work we bring to our cherished public lands.
You can read about different ways to support SAWS below, or visit our donation form to make a one-time or monthly contribution online.
Since 2010, SAWS exploded into a strong, reliable stewardship partner in the southeast providing over 150,000 hours of wilderness stewardship service, educating over 50,000 people about wilderness and Leave No Trace, hiring and training 350 staff, and adding over $3.5 million in stewardship value and capacity in the region. SAWS regularly works across 8 states, servicing 8 national forests and 75 wildernesses.​
Your donation is an investment in the wildest public lands and the future generation that will steward them. A donation today will reinforce conservation leadership, teach traditional took use and important outdoor skills, educate the public to recreate responsibly, and foster strong work ethics in both our staff and volunteers, providing quality results you notice white recreating in wilderness. Help us improve wilderness, trails, wildlife habitat, and air and water quality in remote areas of our national forests and national parks. Thank you for your donation to Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
What Your Donations Can Do
$20 keeps a crew safe and prepared with a Field Safety Kit
$50 puts a Hand Saw in a ranger's hand
$200 outfits a crew member with a tent for the season
$400 feeds a 6-person crew for an 8-day hitch in the backcountry
Other Ways to Support SAWS
Checks may be made out to Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards and mailed to 225 E. Chestnut St. STE 001 Asheville, NC 28801
Coming soon!
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