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Stephen Wood, SAWS Wilderness Specialist, is also a composer with a holistic view of the world.  As a wilderness composer, Stephen has traveled the United States in search of inspiration from our country’s wildest places. Check out his album Untrammeled and read below on the inspiration for two of his pieces.


"Drosera: the morning dew of the sun," a clarinet trio, was composed in honor of the Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act. The Drosera spatulata is an elusive carnivorous plant in the swamp. I happened upon a small Drosera one afternoon while floating freely in my canoe and stopped to observe its existence.  


"Nantahala," was composed for the Southern Nantahala Wilderness and was inspired by the great crest of the Blue Ridge where old-growth beech and ancient equisetum habituate the landscape.  

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